Here’s How You and Your Family Can Shop Responsibly with Amway


Conscious Shopping: Where Do You Start?
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It isn’t always easy to get the best things for you and your family while keeping the environment in mind. Of course, mindful shopping habits help with improving your impact on the planet. These include asking yourself if you truly need a product before you buy, investing in longer-lasting items, double-checking at checkout, fixing things first and buying later if not possible, and much more. However, you might have a better and bigger impact if you also start using sustainable products instead. 
This means getting sustainably designed products, created from organic materials and by people compensated and treated well. Doing so helps reduce your and your family’s carbon footprint more since you are already buying items that have less of a footprint to begin with and are overall beneficial to both you, your loved ones, and the planet. It also helps that a lot of them can also be healthier alternatives to the stuff you and your family use.

Now, it may seem a little much, at first, and come with few concerns of its own. It’s understandable since you must keep your and your family’s safety, health, and wellbeing in mind, which means balancing getting the best choices at usually affordable prices. But what if there is a brand out there that takes sustainability to heart and makes products that are sustainable and traceable by design, assessed thoroughly for safety and efficacy, and all still effective to boot?

Well, we’ve got the answer for you: Amway, the #1 direct-selling business in the world.

Amway: Your Choice for Healthier, More Sustainable Products
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We at Amway see and pursue sustainability as an opportunity, both to achieve this and grow. It is not something we feel obliged to do, but, rather, it is a part of who we are. After all, our mission is to help people like yourself and your family live better, healthier lives and provide them with the means to earn well from sharing what they love. And since our products wouldn’t be what they are without plants and their ability to support people’s health and wellbeing, it is a given that we are working to help both the people and the planet. 

That is why we make sure that we reduce our carbon footprint and increase and innovate our sustainable practices at each stage of our products’ life cycle. That means consciously creating products with their impact on people’s and the environment’s health in mind, whether they are the one using or making/providing ingredients for the product. It also means reducing as much of our packaging waste as possible through recycling any old packaging materials or leftover manufacturing waste.

Throughout all of this, we document or trace every step in the process, from proof of raw ingredient quality and benefits to who performs which task in the manufacturing process. All with the help and strict compliance with the safety standards set by many credible and even government regulatory organizations.

Now, to paint a clearer picture on this, let’s look at how we apply our approach and practices in three of our brands: NUTRILITE™, g&h™, and Amway Home™.

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When it comes to filling in gaps in your daily nutrition, NUTRILITE™ has you covered. It offers a whole array of traceable, plant-based, and effective dietary supplements that provide you with vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other nutrients to complete your daily nutrition and even pair with your everyday meals.
We cultivate our own plant ingredients or botanicals in our NUTRILITE™ farms, which is around 6,000 hectares of land in total across the United States, Mexico, and Brazil, along with our partner farms around the world. In all of them, we and our partners apply regenerative agricultural practices and water conservation when it comes to raising our crops, helping our farmlands remain healthy and fertile while also retaining or even nourishing the local ecosystems they are in.

Of course, these practices wouldn’t have consistently provided quality crops, healthier ecosystems, and, in turn, highly effective and safe products without us tracing everything we put into our crops and products. It is necessary for us since our beauty, personal care, and home care brands also use these plant ingredients. We document everything from the plants that the seeds for our crops came from to and every person that takes care of each task. We record much of this information, especially concerning our botanicals, in our NUTRILITE™ Crop Birth Certificates while the day-to-day surveillance in our farms observes and records the rest.

We also check if our plant ingredients and the farms that grew them from meet the strict criteria upheld by our internal sustainable farming standards and auditing system called NutriCert™. Overall, having this kind of visibility allows us to enforce our safety, sustainability, and quality standards on all fronts.

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For safe, gentle, and effective personal care items for you and your family, g&h™ has a lot to offer. Whether it’s for you, your spouse, and/or your children, the brands and its varied array of lotions, body wash, soaps, and more are there to help nourish and care for the skin and boost its natural functions. All with the help of some of the earth’s best botanicals and the brand’s clean, traceable, and biodegradable plant-based formulations. 
Much like our other brands, g&h™ uses NUTRILITE-grown or NutriCert™-certified plant ingredients in its product’s formulas, often testing these botanicals for their safety, purity, and efficacy. Aside from that, our formulas are also free from parabens, sulfate surfactants, animal-derived ingredients and more than 1,300 harmful chemicals. Combined with our consistent traceability efforts, including only vegan ingredients with proven skin benefits from our “yes” list helps us ensure that our products are both safe for people and the planet.

Of course, g&h™’s sustainability aspects don’t just end there. The bottles of our g&h™ and g&h Baby™ body wash and lotions contain 30% reground post-consumer plastic, a practice that we started our products made in Ada, Michigan in the United States. Speaking of which, our manufacturing facilities in the area create the bottles used for g&h™ body wash, lotions, and more, where we use methods that help us minimize waste. One such method is removing small scrap and imperfect bottles to grind them for reuse, with the help of local scrap management service, Padnos.

We continue to support these efforts with our recent plastic recovery drive, where our customers can return to us the bottles of their g&h™ and other Amway products to get them recycled. So, if you ever include g&h™ in your and your family’s personal care, come and swing by any My Amway Place near you to drop off your empty bottles!

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Last, but not least, Amway Home™ proves that having a healthier home and helping the planet don’t have mutually exclusive things. Our varied range of kitchen cleaners, laundry detergents, and other surface cleaning products help you clean your home effectively while keeping your hands and the planet safe. This is all thanks to our BioQuest Formula™, which helps our items to be effective, concentrated, and biodegradable. 
It helps that we are using efficient bio-based ingredients—like enzymes—whenever we can without sacrificing their efficacy in making these items. Along with this, we make sure that Amway laundry care and dish formulas are phosphate-free and can work well in cold water, too. Doing so allows you and your family to use these items without worrying about contaminating your local water supply and having to heat up your water whenever doing the dishes or washing your clothes.

Amway also proudly participates U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice Program, which helps people (be it consumers, businesses, and purchasers) find products that perform and contain ingredients that are safe and have a positive impact on people and the environment. Amway Home is among the brands recognized and certified by this program, so you can rest assured that you can create a clean, healthy home for you and your family with our products.

Shop Right, Live Well, and Help the Planet
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Living healthy holistically and caring for the environment isn’t always easy to do at the same time, but it is possible. In fact, some might argue that a healthier environment leads to people’s better health and wellbeing. And when it comes to getting the best choices for you and your family to fit both these needs, Amway has your back.  
With sustainability as a part of our identity and how we do business, Amway’s plant-based products are not only traceable, effective, and safe for you, but we also make sure that they (and the way we make them) work with and even benefit the environment as well. You can see this in each of the three brands that we featured here: NUTRILITE™’s regenerative farming practices, g&h™’s clean, gentle, and biodegradable formulas, and Amway Home™’s concentrated yet biodegradable phosphate-free surface cleaners.

So, if you ever want to switch your and your family’s usual products for more planet-friendly ones that deliver the same or even better health benefits, then Amway is the one for you!

Shop here for more items from NUTRILITE™, g&h™, Amway Home™, and the rest of our brands for you and your family!